Vertical Blinds

How to Maintain your Window Blinds with Accuracy

Window blinds are great as they help us in elevating our lifestyles regularly. With excellent light and privacy control, you can easily personalize any space to suit the way you want. But they also become breeding grounds for dust, insects, and pet hair when not cleaned properly. For a clean and sanitized environment, it’s vital to keep them fresh. Blinds for windows are available in various materials like wood, polyester, and fabric, and you must clean and maintain them correctly. This includes techniques and also some cleaning supplies. The best part is maintaining your window blinds is not that difficult.

Understanding Your Blinds

To maintain blinds for windows perfectly, you need to understand how they function. A window blind comprises various long slats, whether vertical or horizontal, that is held together by some cords that run through these slats. These cords are positioned so that it is easy for you to operate them, like fold and unfold these fabric blinds, allowing the required amount of light, privacy, and air in your space.

 Cleaning Your Blinds

Window blinds are now an essential part of several modern households. This mainly involves how graceful they look and how useful they are. When the matter is about maintenance of anything, regular cleaning is essential. They will not last long without adequately cleaning your blinds for windows. Here are a few easy ways in which you can clean your window blinds:

  • Vacuum: Use a brush end and vacuum the window blinds, which goes a long way in keeping them clean. When you do this, keep the slats closed to reach maximum surface area.
  • Sponging: If your blinds are light in color, they might get unwanted finger marks and spots. In that case, cleaning them using a sponge and some warm water will help.
  • Bucket cleaning: If your window blinds are filthy, one of the best options is to remove them and clean them using a bucket or bathtub with warm soapy water. Immerse them in water but do not leave them there for long. 

These steps make taking care of your blinds very easy, and they will last longer and remain new and shiny.

Effective Cleaning and Maintenance Methods

It is necessary to clean your blinds based on the style of your blinds. If you have horizontal blinds, then perfect cleaning starts with the topmost slide, and for vertical blinds, you need to clean the blinds in a downward direction. Sometimes due to periodic cleaning, blinds collect dust, so it’s best to clean the dust before using a damp, warm cloth to clean them. But when there is any staining or spillage on your blinds, clean them immediately using a damp, warm, soft cloth.

If you are using a vacuum cleaner to clean your blinds, then it’s best to use the softest setting on your cleaner. 

Blind materials

You already know that window blinds are available in various colors, materials, and styles. So, it’s essential to consider the material of your blind while cleaning them. If you have wood blinds, use a soft cloth, but make sure you use them dry. Cleaning and maintaining wooden blinds are the same as your wooden furniture. It requires quick cleaning using a dry cloth or a soft brush.

If you have fabric blinds, you can use wet clothes to clean them. But ensure that the cloth you use for cleaning does not give out the color. Some fabric blinds are now available with a coating that acts as a dust guard that ensures they do not absorb dust.

Mode of operation

Maintaining your blinds is not only for cleaning and preserving their aesthetic appearance but also for their functionality. Its cord should also remain in proper order for practical use. If you are using a manual blind, use them from very close proximity and not from a wide angle, as they will not work optimally. Your mismanagement and misuse can cause your blinds to function inefficiently as cords loosen or break. If, in any case, you have misused your vertical blinds or horizontal blinds, then you should use an acrylic mallet rather than a metal hammer.

How Often to Clean Window Blinds

Blinds, no doubt, make your house classy and stylish. But they start collecting dust after a few days of use. Sometimes, you will realize that you must clean your blinds when you see a thick layer of dust in your beautiful blinds. To ensure your fabric blinds remain clean and shiny, you should clean them on time.

If you are thinking about how often you should clean your window blinds, you must know there is no fixed time for that. It all depends on the area you are living in and weather conditions. You have to either increase or decrease the rate of cleaning your horizontal blinds. Some other factors that increase the frequency of cleaning are pets or windows near the kitchen.

Tips to Keep Your Window Blinds Clean Longer

  • Please use dry sheets for dusting your blinds as they assist you in repelling your dust from settling on the slats.
  • Do not use wood spray cleaner on wooden blinds as it builds up a very sticky coating that attracts more dust.
  • Never clean your aluminum window blinds India using hot water; otherwise, you can feel the heat when you sponge them.
  • You can use a blow dryer in a cool setting for loosening up and cleaning dust in areas of your blind that are very hard to reach, like the header of your window blinds.
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